Thursday, February 15, 2007

On wanting companionship....

Valentines day... sickening i tell you, sickening to the extent that it makes me want to puke, BUT it did get me thinking. Why am i alone, some say that you should enjoy the time you have alone, while others say that you shouldn't worry too much about finding someone cos you eventually will. But for me personally the issue is that i know i will find someone some day but i DONT WANT TO BE ALONE NOW..... its terrible being alone, i miss the affection, i miss loving and being loved, whatever said and done although i know that i have friends around me who care alot, its definitely not the same.
I wonder how long i wll have to be single for, and come to think of it, looking back at how bad the previous relationship ended do i really wanna be in another realationship??? im so afraid of putting back all those emotions again, on trusting someone with my feelings again.
Its all too much to think about, but all i know is that i dont wanna be alone.....


Anonymous said...

Why you are so terrified of being alone is beyond me. Someday you'll wish to God you could be alone, at least for a while. Right now you are miserable sine you still feel like you're just half of something instead a whole on your own. But you must realise your self-worth before you go onto something else just because you dont want to be alone. It's better to be alone than in a relationship that isn't the best possible relationship for you. Give it time, love will come when it should. Right now you should take time off to find yourself and rebuid your confidence in yourself. It ain't so bad being alone - well, not for me with all the voices in my head :)
ps: You shouldn't really take advice about being alone and enjoying it from someone who believes in the saying "if it weren't for the schizophrenia, I'd be invisible" :)

Anonymous said...

Does being alone suck?
Is it only because we're lonely that we crave to be in a relationship????
think of the things you get to do if your alone -
party like a wild animal, date, travel all over the world, and the best one - never have to worry about forgetting an anniversary...!
And being in a relationship means -
you can still party like a wild animal - and you have someone to bump and grind with, you have someone to waste money on and not worry about how low your bank account is cos hey it's justified, and hey let's not forget the intimacy... ;)
but on a serious note...there's a fool out there for everyone of us, and just beacuse we go through a bad break up doesnt mean that they arent gonna find dont think too much about it, your not the only one waiting...

Amaani said...

Wow.. i feel like a special friend NOW!! :( Why on earth would you need to be loved when u have so many cool friends?? ;)